Minutes of 12/08/2021 SICLC Delegates Meeting


The meeting was called to order at 6:06 PM by President Doug Scott.


The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted, and the President’s Message was read.




MMSA – October Minutes by the delegation, with amendment that Richard Murray was sworn in




The following people were present and sworn in.


            Leonard Kelley, AFM 76-493

            Neil Hackmann, IW 86

            Christopher Watrobka, IW 86

            Jacob Allen, IW 86

            Scott Sullivan, IBT 763

            Chad Baker, IBT 763

            Brett Draven, IBT 763

            Gabe Schoenfelder, IUOE 302

            Richard Sowa, IUOE 302




Officer Reports



Interim Secretary-Treasurer Report:


Interim Secretary-Treasurer Murry reported that we just kicked off our annual holiday food drive. This year we will be supporting both Snohomish County and Island County (Whidbey Island). Thanks to VOA for sharing their fundraising platform for this event. She shared that there is a link to donate on our web page at www.snolabor.org


Silvertips Solidarity Night Tickets are on sale now (February 4th, 2022). The earlier you purchase the better the seats. There is also a link on the website for purchasing.


Remember to sign up for Amazon Smiles to support our SICLC Hardship Fund. The link to sign up is available on our web page as well.


The Education Committee has their next meeting December 9 at 6 pm. They are working the program content for the Race & Labor workshop that is scheduled for February. If interested in joining that committee, contact Charlotte at charlotte@snolabor.org

The COPE Committee has been working very hard on, creating a Local Political Agenda for the region.  Next meeting December 16th at 6pm. If interested in helping with this contact Charlotte at charlotte@snolabor.org



New Business:


School Levy Support: Justin Fox Bailey talked to the body about supporting levies for supplementing education funding in the upcoming election February for many school districts across the county.


The Executive Board brings forth a motion and a second to approve supporting education across our two counties by supporting levy funding.  The Delegates passed motion to support.


General Executive Board Nominations:


            President, Sergeant of Arms, Trustee #1, Trustee #3, Trustee #5


            VP Dan Murphy opened nomination for President:

                        Doug Scott, LIUNA 292 was nominated for President, and he accepted.


            President Doug Scott opened nomination for Sergeant of Arms:

                        Shane Van Pelt, IAM 751F was nominated for Sergeant of Arms, and he accepted.


            President Doug Scott opened nominations for Trustee #1:

                        Bryan Johnson, IW 86 was nominated for Trustee #1, and he accepted.


            President Doug Scott opened nominations for Trustee #3:

                        Polagaya McLaughlin, RPEC #6 was nominated for Trustee #3, and she accepted.


            President Doug Scott opened nominations for Trustee #5:

                        Debbie Gath, IBT 38 was nominated for Trustee #5, and she accepted.


Special Executive Board Nominations: Secretary-Treasurer


            President Doug Scott opened nominations:

                        Charlotte Murry, LIUNA 242 was nominated for Secretary-Treasurer, and she accepted.

                        Teresa Johnson, IBEW 89 was nominated for Secretary-Treasurer, and she accepted.



Reports of Unions:


Dan Murphy, WFSE 1020:  Thanked everyone for the support at the Everett Community College

Early Learning Center on campus. He also reported that the transfer of service has been paused by the Board of Directors.


Larry Montgomery, LIUNA 292:  Reported that they were attending their first job fair in person at Arlington

                                                           HS since Covid. He also announced that there local donated to the VFW

                                                           around the corner from the Labor Temple for the first time, he was

                                                           pleased to be supporting the local community.


David Simpson, SPEEAHe wanted to Thank everyone for the support during his campaign for Everett Port

                                            Commissioner and he said he is looking forward to working with all the delegates

                                            over the next 6 years.  He also wanted to wish all a happy holiday season.



Debby Lippincott, RPEC #6:  Asked for support with Legislative issues regarding retirement fund COLA fixes.



Polagaya McLaughlin, RPEC #6:  Talked further about the disparity in the retirement funds from a lack of

                                                          COLA adjustments of many years that Sister Debbie spoke about above.


Leonard Kelley, AFM 76-493: Wanted to lift up congratulations to Interim Secretary-Treasurer Murry on

                                                      winning her school board race and her ability to reach across the aisle and

                                                      have joint support from both Democrats and Republicans of her campaign.


Interim Secretary-Treasurer Murry, LIUNA 242: Thanked Leonard Kelley and the rest of the council for the

                                                                                       support during a very difficult school board re-election.


Ryan Johnson, IBT 38:  Asked for support for an access to restroom bill for truck drivers.


Debbie Gath, IBT 38:  Asked for support of the Redi-Mix concrete drivers that are on strike.


Teresa Johnson, IBEW 89:  Is there a fund to support the Redi-Mix drivers? Debbie said she would pass that

                                                 information along.





68 participants tonight.


The meeting was adjourned at 6:58 PM


Respectfully submitted.


Charlotte Murry

Interim Secretary-Treasurer