Minutes of 12/9/2020 SICLC Delegates Meeting


The meeting was called to order at 6:03 PM by President Jason Redrup.

The pledge of allegiance was conducted, and the President’s Message was read.




A motion was made to accept the minutes from the October meeting, the motion passed.




The following people were present and sworn in by WSLC President Larry Brown:


            Anthony Thompson, IUPAT DC 5

            Marisa Powell, UAPD


Secretary- Treasurer Kelley added that they had a new affiliate Laborers 1239 and that they had sent an email appointing Charlotte Murry as a delegate.  She was sworn in.


New Business


Nomination of Officers:


            Vice President:

                                    Doug Scott, Laborers 292


            Secretary Treasurer:

                                    Leonard Kelley, AFM 76-493


            Sergeant at Arms:

                                    Shane Van Pelt, IAM 751F


            Trustee #1:      

                                    John Traynor, IBEW 191

                                    Brian Johnson, IW 86


            Trustee #2:      

                                    Suzanne Murphy, SPEEA 2001

                                    Mohammad Khan, SPEEA 2001


            Trustee #6:

                                    Teresa Johnson, IBEW 89


Officer Reports:


            President:  President Redrup wish the delegates a safe and happy holiday.

Secretary-Treasurer Kelley asked Marisa Powell to give a report on UAPD, Marisa shared who their union represented and gave a report on their struggles in trying to obtain a first contract with Indigo Urgent Care.


Leonard gave an update on the Hardship Fund, adding that so far, they have assisted 16 union members and recently received 6 more applications.


Secretary Treasurer Kelley explained that the delegates were going to be broken up into small breakout groups and that each group would be given 4-5 minutes to come up with a name of a famous labor leader, past or present.  He then explained that each group would share the name and that whoever picked the name that was predetermined earlier in the day would receive a $10.00 gift card from QFC.


The Delegates were sent to the Zoom Breakout rooms, they returned with the following results:


Group #1 – Delores Juerta,         Group #2 – Eugene Debs,           Group #3 – Caesar Chavez, 

Group #4 - John L. Lewis,           Group #5 – Samuel Gompers,    Group #6 – Eugene Debs,

Group #7 – Caesar Chavez         Group #8 – Mother Jones


Leonard informed the delegates no one picked the number one person on the list which was Philip Randolph. He added Group #5 had picked the number 2 name on the list, Samuel Gompers. Group #5 won.


A video of 16 elected officials from US Senators to local Mayors sharing their thoughts on why they appreciated organized labor was share with the delegation.


Charlotte drew a delegate update form from the pile that was submitted, the winner would receive a $25.00 gift card.  The winning name was Chris Glenn.



Reports of Unions:


WSLC President, Larry Brown: Wished everyone a Happy Holidays.


Anthony Cantu, UFCW 21:  Shared that they had car signs available at the Labor Temple showing support of their contract negotiations with Providence.




 56 participants tonight.



The meeting was adjourned at 7:04PM


Respectfully submitted.


Leonard Kelley




Polagaya McLaughlin, AFSCME 109                                            Lloyd Catlin, IAM 751F

Shane Van Pelt, IAM 751F                                                          Bryan Johnson, IW 86

David Simpson, SPEEA 2001                                                       Jeffrey Forbes, SPEEA 2001

Larry Montgomery, LIUNA 292                                                   Steve Peloquin, OPCMIA 528

Susanne Murphy, SPEEA 2001                                                   Dan Murphy, AFSCME 1020

Leonard Kelley, IBT 38                                                               Michael Holman, AFSCME 948

Debbie Gath, IBT 38                                                                  Juliet D’Alessandro, ProTec 17

Laurel Blaine, IASTE 15                                                              Jonelle Fenton-Wallace, ProTec 17

Teresa Johnson, IBEW 89

Michael Boe, IBT 117

Doug Scott, LIUNA 292

Wes Heard, IAM 751A

Joseph Ruth, IAM 751C

Mike Llewellyn, LIUNA 292

Jason Redrup, IAM 751A

Steve Kofahl, AFGE 3937

John Dimas, SPEEA 2001

Angela Guadamuz, AFSCME 1811-CA

Mark Clark, IAM 751A

Randy Davis, Pilchuck UniServ

Michael Schreck, IBEW 191

Gary Kanter, AFM 76-493

Christine Reid, IBEW 77

Evan Wipf, SPEEA 2001

Judith Elenes-Martinez, IBEW 77

Benjamin Briles, SPEEA 2001

Dan Verda, IBEW 191

John Traynor, IBEW 191

Kai Fuller, IATSE 793

Robert James, NALC

Larry Brown, WSLC

Riaz Khan, SPEEA 2001

Jared Kink, Pilchuck UniServ

Kristin Rohrenbach, CWA

Wendy Garrett-Drake, IBT 38

Steve Chandler, IBT 38

Nallely Flores, OPEIU 8

Adrian Noel, UFCW 21

Spencer Burris, IAM 751A

Anthony Thompson, IUPAT Dc5

Fred Soto, IAM 751F

Pamela Wilson, Pilchuck UniServ

Anthony Cantu, UFCW 21

Marisa Powell, UAPD

Michael Pena, Pilchuck UniServ