Minutes of 2/26/2020 SICLC Delegates Meeting


The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by President Jason Redrup.

The pledge of allegiance was conducted, and the president’s message was read.


Minutes from the previous meeting were approved.




The following people were present and sworn in.


            Nathan Sugg, AFSCME 1811-PA

            Christine Landon, OPEIU 8

            Emmanuel Cobian, OPCMIA 528




Ingrid Chapman, WSLC Organizer:  reported on her new position with the State Labor Council and how she looks forward to working with us.


Todd, from Rick Larsen’s Office gave an update on issues the Congressman was working on.



Secretary -Treasurer Report


Secretary Treasurer Kelley reported that UFCW 21 has reaffiliated with our Labor Council. He reminded everyone of Mark McDermott’s upcoming class at the Labor Temple. Lastly, he shared that there is information on the back table on how to become a delegate to the Democrat & Republican political party’s State Conventions.




New Business


COPE Endorsements:


 Leonard provided a list of names from the Executive Board for endorsement:


Mike Sells, June Robinson, Strom Peterson, and John Lovick for their perspective Legislative races.  A motion was made and passed.



Leonard provided a list of names running for Superior Court from the Executive Board for endorsement:


Okoloko, Thompson, Langden, and Alexander. He added that we had endorsed all these candidates last year. A motion was made and passed.





Good of the Order


Aunja Staymates, United Way Labor Liaison: gave updates on the Letter Carrier’s Food Drive, and she stated she would like to meet with the individual unions so feel free to invite her.  She reported on the Labor Committee which will be meeting right after this meeting is over with.


Gary Kanter, AFM 76-493: gave an update on his radio show “we do the work.”


Debbie Gath, IBT 38: reported that Coco Cola was moving back to Snohomish County, so they were getting 75 more members. She added that Canteen had just ratified their contract and Franz Bakery and Haggen were in negotiations.


Debbie added they were close with Durham on Union security and Health Care.


Shane Van Pelt, IAM 751F: Reminded everyone there are two separate sign-in list, one for delegates and for one for guests and to please make sure you sign the right one.


Mohammed Kahn, SPEEA 2001:  Thanked the delegates for their support in his successful campaign for City Council in Mukilteo.


Rick Cunningham, IUOE 302:  Spoke about the issues with the Navy Base in Oak Harbor and the group that wants to stop expansion.


The meeting was adjourned at 6:56 PM


Respectfully submitted


Leonard Kelley




Gary Kanter, AFM 76-493

JP Carey, AFSCME 113

Chris Dunphy, AFSCME 1811CA

Anna Gavin, AFSCME 1811CA

Dan Murphy, AFSCME 1020

Joel Hetland, IAM 751A

Jason Redrup, IAM 751A

Paul Schubert, IAM 751A

Michael Hill, IAM 751C (Excused)

Gary Naple, IAM 751C (Excused)

Joseph Ruth, IAM 751C

Lloyd Catlin, IAM 751F

Alfred Soto, IAM 751F

Shane VanPelt, IAM 751F

Laurel Blaine, IATSE 15

James DeCaro, IBEW 46

Christine Reid, IBEW 77 (Excused)

Teresa Johnson, IBEW 89 (Excused)

Karen Tegard, IBEW 89 (Excused)

Gary Kemp, IBEW 191

Steven Chandler, IBT 38

Debbie Gath, IBT 38

Michael Boe, IBT 117 (Excused)

Gunnar Birkeland, IBT 231

Al Cummins, IUOE 302

Rick Cunningham, IUOE 302

Tony Zempel, IUOE 302

Doug Scott, LIUNA 292

Mike Llewellyn, LIUNA 292

Larry Montgomery, LIUNA 292

Billy Wallace, jr, LIUNA 292

Nallely Flores, OPEIU 8 (Excused)

Nancy Nickles, OPCMIA 528

Justin Palachuck, OPCMIA 528

Jordan Russeff, OPCMIA 528

Steve Peloquin, OPCMIA 528

Jonelle Fenton-Wallac, ProTec 17 (Excused)

Juliet D’Alessandro, ProTec 17 (Excused)

Cynthia Robson, SEIU 1199NW (Excused)

Evan Wipf, SPEEA 2001 (Excused)

John Dimas, SPEEA 2001 (Excused)

Susanne Murphy, SPEEA 2001 (Excused)

Benjamin Briles, SPEEA 2001

Mohammed Khan, SPEEA 2001

Paul Galovin, UBC 70

Ralph Knutson, RPEC 6