Snohomish & Island CLC Hardship Fund

Supporting Union Members & Families in Times of Need

The newly founded SICLC Hardship Fund is here to help you get through these difficult times. Whether it is a few dollars for groceries to get you by until your next pay check; to helping keep your power on, we are here to help with no judgment. Life happens to all of us.

Our assistance fund is based on funding available and is limited to $500 per calendar year. If we cannot help we will try and help you find other community sources that might be able to help instead. The Snohomish & Island County Hardship Fund is a 501(3)(c ) nonprofit organization.

Types of help we are able to provide are as follows:
• Food
• Gas
• Phone
• Utility Shut-Off, i.e. power, water, internet
• Rent
• Emergency Dental
• Other (on a case-by-case basis)

Hardship fundHow To Apply

If you can, please check in with your Local’s Business Agent about applying for financial assistance. If you do not know who your Local’s Business Agent is or it is a time-sensitive issue, you can print off the PDFversion of the application, scan and email it to us email to us at for review.

Be prepared to provide proof of hardship upon request. We will process applications as quickly as possible. All requests stay confidential.

Fill Out Online Application Form

Download PDF Application to Print Out